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7 Life Changing Web Series.

7 Life-Changing Web Series This Content Is Know Available In Audio Formate:  1. Panchayat: Created by The Viral Fever (TVF),  Panchayat , is a 2020 Indian Hindi language web series with eight episodes. The Series is all about the journey of city-bred protagonist Abhishek Tripathi (Jitendra Kumar), who sketches the life in a village and tries to build on instances that may seem inconsequential but are important to those living it. In lack of a better job opportunity, Abhishek has joined as a secretary of a Panchayat office in a remote village, Phulera, in Uttar Pradesh’s Baliya District. You will get a chance to become the Mohan Bhargava of Swades, develop roads and install hand-pumps. Series: Panchayat Streaming on: Amazon Prime Video Written by: Chandan Kumar Directed by: Deepak Kumar Mishra Starring: Jitendra Kumar, Raghubir Yadav, Neena Gupta 2. Kota Factory: Created by The Viral Fever (TVF),  Kota Factory , is a 2019 Indian Hindi language web series ...


Many people perceive reading as an introverted hobby, for the feeble, anti-social. However, you will be pleasantly surprised to find out that reading has numerous positive effects on your emotional, intellectual and psychological state of mind. Here’s how:

1. Reading can help prevent Alzheimer’s.

A recent study found that people who read are two and a half times less likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Syndrome later on in life. Although this does not mean that reading will prevent the disease, it proves a slight relationship between reading and prevention.

2. Being a reader means you’re more likely to learn something new every day.

Being a reader means you’re more likely to learn something new every day.  

An education professor, Anne E. Cunningham wrote a research paper and discovered that reading frequently does actually make you smarter. Not only does it help you retain knowledge, but it helps you to remember that knowledge later on in life. Whether or not you realize it, reading stockpiles your brain with new information, and you never know when it may come in handy.

3. People who read are more likely to vote, exercise, and be more cultural.

People who read are more likely to vote, exercise, and be more cultural.  

A study by the National Endowment for the arts concluded that reading makes you more engaged throughout life, taking advantage of any activities that may spring up during your life.

4. Reading can be therapeutic.
Reading can be therapeutic

According to Cristel Russell, a behavioral researcher, reading can help with any stress or turmoil occurring in your life. If you’re going through a break-up, or simply just need to relax, try a new book.

5. Reading enhances your memory.

Reading enhances your memory.Every time you read something new, your brain ‘makes room’ to fit it in. With these new spaces, you can take advantage of any new information that may arise.

6. Reading actually does make you seem sexier, especially to women

Reading actually does make you seem sexier, especially to women.A study found that reading makes you seem more intelligent, which is looked upon favorably by women. So, the more you read, the more appealing you will become!

7. Reading helps to boost your analytical thinking.
Reading helps to boost your analytical thinking.

Reading helps you to recognize various patterns that occur in writing. If you are looking for a law or medicine career, this is important!

8. Reading expands your vocabulary, so you’ll sound like a genius.
Reading expands your vocabulary, so you'll sound like a genius.

The more you read, the more words you will come across. The more often you read these words, the more likely you are to understand them, and use them in your own writing and speaking.

9. Fiction books increase your ability to empathize with others.
Fiction books increase your ability to empathize with others.

A study done by the University of Buffalo has concluded that access to possible realities and fictional story lines opens you up to new emotions and feelings. It also helps you to empathize with people, by understanding different cultures.

10. People who read are more likely to get ahead when it comes to their careers, and life in general.

People who read are more likely to get ahead when it comes to their careers, and life in general.
Honor Wilson-Fletcher said that reading “opens doors and makes life easier, so at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what you read. What’s more, it really can make you feel good!” This is very true, and it outlines how important it is to read, if you want to live a successful life.


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