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7 Life Changing Web Series.

7 Life-Changing Web Series This Content Is Know Available In Audio Formate:  1. Panchayat: Created by The Viral Fever (TVF),  Panchayat , is a 2020 Indian Hindi language web series with eight episodes. The Series is all about the journey of city-bred protagonist Abhishek Tripathi (Jitendra Kumar), who sketches the life in a village and tries to build on instances that may seem inconsequential but are important to those living it. In lack of a better job opportunity, Abhishek has joined as a secretary of a Panchayat office in a remote village, Phulera, in Uttar Pradesh’s Baliya District. You will get a chance to become the Mohan Bhargava of Swades, develop roads and install hand-pumps. Series: Panchayat Streaming on: Amazon Prime Video Written by: Chandan Kumar Directed by: Deepak Kumar Mishra Starring: Jitendra Kumar, Raghubir Yadav, Neena Gupta 2. Kota Factory: Created by The Viral Fever (TVF),  Kota Factory , is a 2019 Indian Hindi language web series ...

15 Scientific Facts On Music.

Music is universal in the sense that everyone can understand it. People sway to good music even if they can't understand the language of the lyrics. Most of us feel incomplete when we can't listen to music during our commute to and from work. We often end up playing music even when we have company because what's a good conversation without some ambient background music? In essence, it is the one thing that really unites the world. For the longest time, we've appreciated it and known that it makes the world a better place. However, it isn't just a feeling! Turns out that science has done enough research on music to know that it actually is magical.

Here are 15 scientific facts on music that prove it is one of the most beautiful things in the world:

1. Music can help you exercise better!

A 2010 study led by sport psychologist C.I. Karageorghis found that music can improve the way we exercise. This happens in two ways: it can help you feel less fatigued, or increase the time dedicated to the workout. This study stated that music can lead to “higher-than-expected levels of endurance, power, productivity, or strength.”

2. Good beats can help you keep your heart healthy.

Researchers from Pavia University, Italy, found that music with quicker tempos helped people breathe better, making sure their heartbeat was up.

3. Music can be great for your plants as well.

If you're a plant person, you should probably play some good music while watering them because it can help with their growth. Researchers at the National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology in South Korea found that music can make plants grow faster as well as healthier.

4. Music changes the way we see this world.

According to researchers from the University of Groningen, listening to happy or sad music can even change the way we perceive the world. On a bad day, make sure you listen to some happy music.

5. Music can make your brain as happy as eating or sex do!

According to University of Michigan Health System, music ushers activity in the area of the brain that releases the 'pleasure chemical' dopamine during sex and eating.

6. Loud music can actually make you drink faster in lesser time.

Like going to the club? Well, the music might be facilitating a good time given that Université de Bretagne-Sud in France noticed that loud music can make a person drink faster in less time.

7. The way to communicate with babies isn't cooing to them, but music.

According to University of Montreal, babies tend to be twice as calm when listening to music than they do when you're talking.

8. Music can help someone with severe brain injury, recall memories.

A research, published in the journal Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, observes that music can facilitate memory recalling in people with severe brain injury.

9. Singing can help you get rid of stress.

"Singing has psychological benefits because of its normally positive effect in reducing stress levels through the action of the endocrine system which is linked to our sense of emotional well-being. Psychological benefits are also evident when people sing together as well as alone because of the increased sense of community, belonging and shared endeavor”, observes Professor Graham Welch, who has served as the Chair of Music Education at the Institute of Education at University of London.

10. Even babies in the womb can listen as well as react to music.

A study conducted in Spain at the Instituto Marqués proved that even unborn babies can not only listen to music, but also react to it! "The foetuses responded to the music by moving their mouths and their tongues as if they wanted to speak or sing," said the Instituto Marqués.

11. Premature babies can get healthier when listening to music.

A researcher from the Texas A&M College of Nursing found that babies who were born prematurely, experienced health benefits from listening to lullabies as their food intake increased and they felt more comfortable.

12. Music can calm that raging anxiety.

A research published on American Psychological Association showed that listening to music can help a person combat anxiety by reducing it.

13. Music can help you recover faster.

The researchers, from Sussex University and the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, found that music could be used to help a patient's recovery, especially if they've been admitted to the hospital.

14. If you're a drummer, you might just be great at problem-solving.

According to research at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm ,drummers tend to have a strong sense of problem-solving.

15. Music can help you study better.

A study published in the journal Learning and Individual Differences found that students performed academically better after a one-hour lecture, with classical music in the background than students who studied the same syllabus without any music.


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