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7 Life Changing Web Series.

7 Life-Changing Web Series This Content Is Know Available In Audio Formate:  1. Panchayat: Created by The Viral Fever (TVF),  Panchayat , is a 2020 Indian Hindi language web series with eight episodes. The Series is all about the journey of city-bred protagonist Abhishek Tripathi (Jitendra Kumar), who sketches the life in a village and tries to build on instances that may seem inconsequential but are important to those living it. In lack of a better job opportunity, Abhishek has joined as a secretary of a Panchayat office in a remote village, Phulera, in Uttar Pradesh’s Baliya District. You will get a chance to become the Mohan Bhargava of Swades, develop roads and install hand-pumps. Series: Panchayat Streaming on: Amazon Prime Video Written by: Chandan Kumar Directed by: Deepak Kumar Mishra Starring: Jitendra Kumar, Raghubir Yadav, Neena Gupta 2. Kota Factory: Created by The Viral Fever (TVF),  Kota Factory , is a 2019 Indian Hindi language web series ...

22 Things to Learn from Money Heist

Professors(Teachers) play a prominent role in everyone's life. But over time teachers’ sense has shifted. To others, their best friend, parents, life, and bosses, etc generally endures one with something trailblazing and guiding skills.

We can learn something from the character of Money Heist. The Professor (Sergio Marquina), played by Álvaro Morte, is a fictional character in the Netflix series Money Heist. The mastermind behind La Casa de Papel has enlightened us about some great life lessons. If you are interested you can see this What can we all learn from the Netflix series Money Heist

Lesson No 1 — Self-Belief

Self-belief is the positive feeling you have inside that you are capable of anything. You feel empowered, confident, and fueled with virility in the face of challenges and problems. And those who haven’t got it, those with negative self-belief, probably let many things go by undone.

In Money Heist, when Professor starts his gang, some of them had no idea what to do in life. They were doing the wrong things to survive and had doubts, lacked self-faith. But in the series, the words of Álvaro Morte and inspiring persona is an embrocation to those who don’t have self-belief.*oBcCn6ULg6YMhDyU.jpg

Lesson No 2 — How to stay calm

A lot of people are impulsive by nature. They react quickly, panic easily, and get angry in no time. But here’s The Professor who showed us that losing one’s mind is a tricky situation that will only make things even worse. It’s quite rare in La Casa de Papel he loses his calm. The art of staying cool and composed is something to imbibe in ourselves from the most intelligent man on the show.

Lesson No 3 — Focus on what is necessary

If you are a fan of Money Heist, you must have noticed the Professor has set many ground rules for his gang members. It’s just like the rules we all have followed In school, we follow at our workplace, and In life. Deep down, no one likes to follow them. But Professor has shown In the series why they are necessary. Breaking rules sound fun and cool, but the consequences followed are hard to handle. Whenever his gang member broke a rule, it has only caused damage. So, remember In Álvaro Morte’s voice — Rules are essential.*TuUn01Wx-9Tp9-3e.png

Lesson No 4 — Trust and stick with your team

This lesson applies to all. Often when we have projects In school or have to work as a team In the office, there arise differences. Sometimes, everything comes on one member, or there will be someone trying to bring another person down. All this leads to one big thing — FAILURE.

In La Casa de Papel, Professor is the glue that holds together everyone even though he’s not physically present there. Every time, the gang member have gone against each other, or one person tried to take the lead, plans have gone haywire. During such times, Professor taught them and us why a team should work together to get a desirable outcome.*5uvvOQ3TAVO4HJqO.jpg

Lesson No 5 — Planing one step ahead

We all joke about the phrase ‘Everything is a part of the plan’. This happens whenever things go wrong in Money Heist, and the professor says those words. But here’s an important lesson to learn from him. It shows how the Professor thinks ten steps ahead of everyone around him. He prepares himself for loss and failure. He feels terrible when things go out of his hand, but he already knows what to do next.

Similarly in life, one should not give up. They should be focused so much that they think of every possible outcome that can come as an obstacle in their path. That’s how one learns to master the art of success!*c4ZI4XEbjB1muNce.jpg

Know your game and market in and out

Raquel Murillo: ‘How long did it take to study every move we make, each time?’The Professor: ‘To be honest — half my life.’

Lesson No 6 — Plan every scenario and think well ahead of all the possible moves.

No one should know your game plan, system, and the market better than you. Professor created every possible scenario in his head and was always ahead. He knew all the moves police and agents were going to make and he planned his moves well ahead of time.

Lesson No 7 — To be able to change the system you have to get inside the system.

The Professor not only planned all of his actions but also sent his team members to the police tent with a strategy in his mind and to monitor all the moves by the police. Like Sun Tzu said: “Know your enemy as yourself and do not need to fear the outcome of a hundred battles.”

Connect your team to a Cause

Lesson No 8 — Rewards and mission should be greater than own personal objectives.

Reward attached to a cause is a wonderful thing that can keep your team connected and motivated towards a particular goal.

Lesson No 9 — Bigger the reward, the better the cause, the deeper the emotions, the better the team. There’s should be something everyone in the team should be motivated about.

Nothing beats a team that is unquestionably emotionally connected to a mission or cause. Professor connected the whole team of money heist to an emotional cause and that’s when his team members started sticking like spaghetti and teamed well towards a mission.

Play by each one of your team members strengths and delegate the tasks

Lesson no 10 — Understand each member of your team and their strengths and weaknesses then play by them.

Know your strengths and weaknesses, your team members’ strengths, and delegate tasks accordingly. Do not try to do it all yourself.

Lesson no 11 — As a leader, it's important to know when your team cannot perform what is assigned, the obstacles, and advise solutions to their problems.

The Professor knew that no one else is better at planning and coordinating so he did all the planning by himself. He knew Nairobi can manage the gold melter’s team well so he assigned that task to her, while Tokyo had leadership qualities so he let her lead the team when needed.

Lesson no 12 — As a leader, you are responsible to take all the decisions in the plan, but at times be open to the thoughts of others and delegate the leadership position to someone else. Let them be the torch bearers while you think of the next steps as a team member.

He knew that Palmero couldn’t tolerate Tokyo as the leader so he anticipated the challenges of putting Palmero in the team.

Love is Always a Good Reason To Mess Things Up*3e8MiBYXnuVX5qL7fGIVYQ.png

As they say, never mix business with emotions. The professor fell in love with the police officer and was about to get killed.

Tokyo fell in love with Rio and they both messed up things.*Y41bGP5V4vL4FWT-MN2qLg.png

Likewise, other members of the team fell in love with the hostages and that led to an unfateful ending.

Lesson no 13 — Never fall in deep love with your enemy or team members. It can be disastrous. Have control over your emotions and keep them in check.

As they say, never mix business with emotions. The professor fell in love with the police officer and was about to get killed.

Lesson no 14 — The more you feel, the more you love, the better the chances that you will ruin the plan. Love is an untimed feeling and it comes when it’s unplanned and for the one who is least expected.

Thorough Research and Planning like a master player

The professor, being a chess player planned even the tiniest details and moves related to the heist.*4uF4eJGU5y5BasQBqT6wZQ.png

He did this by doing thorough research, sometimes by going to the place where the heist was supposed to take place and sniffing every important person out there.

Lesson no 15 — The more thorough and solid your research and plan are, the fewer problems you avoid in the future.

He did this by doing thorough research, sometimes by going to the place where the heist was supposed to take place and sniffing every important person out there.

Lesson no 16 — Balance is very important. Living life on extremes doesn’t give good results and almost all of it fails at the extreme point.

Consistency and Persistence go a long way — Execution is more important than theory*XwLyrXoAxiBdmDvQirw7IQ.png

Lesson no 17 — Execution is as important as theory. If there’s no action, there’s no progress. In the end, you will be left with nothing but theory.

Once you are done planning to the tiniest of the details and ready with an action plan then all you need to do is DO IT.

Lesson no 18 — When working in a team or even alone, always stick to the plan. Hit the ground running as per the plan and take responsibility for all your needs.

The professor gave all the necessary instructions on the board and steps to overcome all the obstacles, but if you are not hitting the ground running and or nothing works on the real ground then the theory fails.

No matter how many tactics were employed by the Spanish police, Berlin always said: “We stick to the plan?”

Sticking to the plan, being consistent in your approach, and persisting in every moment of failure — go a long long way.

Fight for survival*tRfM3q9tBPvv1Bhpl2No8A.png

Lesson no 19 — No matter what, fight for your survival till the last breath. After all, what’s more human than the fight for survival?

Every organism on this earth fights for its survival and only those survive who are the fittest.

Lesson no 20 — Hitting the Rock bottom will teach you many things in life and that’s the time you choose to feel defeated or lay your foundation of the success you always wanted to achieve.

In the heist, almost everyone fought for their survival when they reached their breakpoint. Everyone was crushed to the extreme and yet they survived because they fought hard for their survival. Nairobi was shot and with no experience with surgery, Tokyo operated on her and that’s how Nairobi survived. There were many instances in the show when would make you think that this is the end and that’s when it starts.

Lesson no 21 — Learn from your and other’s failures and mistakes. There’s no better teacher than failure when you least expected it.

Lesson no 22 —Live, Laugh, Love and leave a legacy*l4PfGJ0lgI0TyXwPvAQOOA.png



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